Thursday 4 June 2020

We went to the Wildlife park again today for our walkie. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed had to get somefing called a tyre for the Dogmobile, so we went on our walkie while it woz being fitted.

The tyre shop is just before the bridge over the running waters that we go under to start our walkie.

These does be the photies of our walkie today. Some of them might look a bit like yesterdays but the photie box had a diffrent eye in, so it could see more.

This does be the visitor centre, it be closed now due to Corona virus


It does not be real, it be a fake!

We took a proper photie of the painted building.

There woz no bald puppies about so I snuck into their playground. There doesn't be any notices to say I mustn't.

I conquered the giant spider.
I never climbed a ladder before


Then I crossed this bridge.

And sat by the river to recover from the giant spider.

Then we went along a path through the woods.

There woz a Robin on the signpost.

He let us get rally close before he flew away.

We went to the Tree Top Hide because we never went there before.

There it be.

These woz the sceniks wot we could see from the windows.

Look, the water buffalo, they look sooo tiny from here.

She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed put the other eye back in the photie box, but she couldn't make them any bigger than this.

Back down the path to places we know.

And that woz our walkie today.

We didn't have the gee pee ess with us today but She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed has drawn where we went today onto yesterday's photie in blue pencil.

And these does be my exercises for today.

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