Saturday 6 June 2020

The wevvers is not good today, the skies is crying and the winds is blowing. As we only had our walkie round the Towertrack today and we didn't take any photies I thought I'd tell you how this lockdown thingy has affected me .

First of all we woz only allowed out one time a day for our exercises, I usually have two or three walkies a day. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed sez we's lucky cos we haz a garden we can go in and we haz the big waters and sands to go to. Since our corner shoppie shut we haz to go to the big waters and sands for our shoppie and we haz to look after Sara who haz her field on the cliff path.....which haz been closed so we haz to go by the road to get to her which makes our walkie longer. We woz doing mainly road walkies first of all as there woz not much traffics cos pepes could only drive for essential journeys.
Although my Dad is a champion show dog, my Mum is from werking lines and I have her need to werk! I woz enjoying my mantrailing but this had to stop and I woz meant to go to my first agility show but that woz cancelled and my agility lessons stopped as well. So She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed had to fink of noo ways to keep my brain active and my body agile. We did some bediences while we were on our walkie and lots of Parkour...I jump over picnic tables and park benches, I walk along walls and benches and scramble over rocks and climb trees. We take my tin of clove scented strings out so I can do my scent detection in noo places. Sometimes we take my Frisbee to the sands wiv us.
We have lost a few of our short, off lead walkie places close to our house cos the gate leading to them does be tied up cos the footpath does be closed.
 But that still left lots of time we had to stay home. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed made some rally cards up where I have to do what the card sez, like walk round the noms without eating them or pick up a toy and put it in the box. We did my scent detection in the garden and she made obstacle courses indoors. But she spent a lot of time with her sniffer in a book so I played with Smudge.
Now we can go out more than once a day and we can drive to walkie places in our local area but I really miss my mantrailing and agility

We didn't reach our target for our exercises today.

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