Friday 18 October 2019

Today woz very wet, the skies were crying lots but disasters .... my noms were running out and we had to go to my favourite shop, Dog Food Dave at Cilgerran in the Dogmobile to get more noms. But before we went into the shop we went for a walkie along the running waters.

As we started walking there woz big thunders, and the skies woz black. The running waters woz making big rushing noises but we carried on walking.

There be lots of running waters. 

The running waters be running very fast.

I don't think I'll get my furs wet in the running waters today they got wet enough with the skies crying and the running waters might run away with me.

I'll just stay on the path.

The old ferrymans cottage.

This tree be fallen across the path and She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed had to crawl underneath it to get past.

Another tree has fallen over, it does be a good place to hide from the skies tears.

We went up to the casle, but we didn't go in today.

We went back down to the running waters again.

Look, another tree across the path, I tried to move it out of the way 

but it did be too big for me and She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed had to crawl under this one as well.

These Fun Guys were glistening in the skies tears.

And these ferns had tears all over them too.

Look at the falling waters behind the houses.

The sky was still crying but the sun was out trying to cheer the sky up again.

It looks so different with the sun smiling down.

And then we went to get my noms and went home.

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