Wednesday, 25 October 2017

We went on the bus again today.

We got off at the top of the world again

And walked along the track through the fields of crops.

They be baby barley(?) crops

I's very good and stay on the path so I don't squash the baby barleys.
Last time we comed here they had only just been planted and there woz a nasty, scary bird scarer right at the side of the path. This be bad cos it be a bridle path which horses use, and if it banged when a horse woz near it the horse would be frighted so She Who Thinks S he Must Be Obeyed told the Council man and now it be gone.

There still be some of these yellow dandelion flowers growing. I like dandelion flowers. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed throws them for me and I jump to catch them. Sometimes I pick them myself and eat them.

Look at those clouds

A couple of sceniks

This fungi woz growind in the bank

Another scenik

I got a stick

I found some waters to get my furs wet

We smelled woodsmokes, it's a wildfire , run for your life!
She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed said not to worry, it wasn't a wildfire and we carried on past a diffrent water wheel to yesterdays.

There were men working on the old mill but they weren't going to put the waterwheel back on.
What a shame

The smokes we smelled woz from their bonfire.

After we went through the woods we went through a farmyard and the dogs comed out and barked at me. The lady comed and called them off and then a pheasant jumped up in front of me, I woz going to chase it off but She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed said no, so I didn't.

Then we saw this red kite on a telegraph pole. It flewed off before we could get a better photie

The sheeps were watching us

More clouds. Why does she take photies of clouds?

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