Sunday, 18 March 2018

We had our walkie in the snows this morning. After I chased the seagulls out of the field we had to cross we went up to the old army camp to look at the sceniks
But it woz bitterly cold up there and the snows woz blowing hori zon talli ,no wonder it not be settling on the ground, it not be touching it.
So we came back down, along the track at the side of the field
I found a twig to play with.
These be our footie prints. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed left these,
and these be mine.

We thought there might be some icicles by the running waters, but there weren't.
So I got my furs wet.
There's a tiny falling waters.

Then we went into the enchanted wood
That's where the Bogwhight lives, we have to be very quiet so we don't disturb him😁.
I'll just get this stick in case he wakes up.

We got past safely this time.
Then we were out of the enchanted wood and had to cross the sheepses field. All the sheepses were sheltering under the hedge but these ones tried to guard the gate we had to go out of. 

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