I's had a very bizzy sevensleep end this sevensleep. Yesterday woz mantrailing at a noo place called Pendine. It does be a long ways away, 38 miles, and the wevvers woz bad when we woked up. The skies woz crying and throwing ice at the windows and She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed wanted to wimp out but I ses if we were real search and rescue this does be the wevvers we would be werking in, so we went and when we got there the sun came out of hiding and it woz a lovely day, but on the way there the winds did blow us about and it woz a bit scary in the Dogmobile, but I woz brave.
We hasn't got the photies of me working yet as they still do be in Auntie Amy's photie box, but I woz pawsome. The wind woz blowing the scents away from me on the sands and I lost the trail for a while,but I found it again and found my person. when we did my last trail we were on the path and Auntie Amy woz hiding behind the sea wall, the winds did blow her scents towards me and I jumped up to look for her, but She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed didn't believe me and made me follow the track.
When we finished I had a run on the sands with my furiends, here be the photies of us having fun.
Manuka has my ballie
She won't let go.
You have to try and get it back Manuka.
Chase me,
Bye bye everyone, see you next time.
Time for noms before we go home.
Today the wevvers woz bad again but we had a scent trial to go to.
These do be the moving photies of my searches. I woz tired after yesterday and couldn't werk properly.
But I still came 4th. Simon, my half brother came second. well done bro.