Monday, 12 November 2018

There woz angry skies when we went for our walkie today,but the sun smiled on us and stopped the clouds from crying on us. I chased leaves that She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed threw for the wind to catch. I jumped the plastic barriers stored in the Old Army camp and I drank the waters coming up out of the ground, now I 's having a snooze to dream of my walkie.

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Another bright and frosty morning today. We started off across the bald puppies playing field. It did be all white and purrity.

Can you see me? I's hiding.

Here I am.

Then we went to Aberporth. The big waters be coming in and covering the sands on the little beach.

These posts be all white with frost.

We went on to the big sands, I like the big beach best, I's allowed on this one all year.

The sun woz shining on the purrity coloured houses.

The man woz clearing up the sands after the purrity whizz bang display they had here on Sunday. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed woz too tired after our big walkie on Sunday to come down to watch. 

We commed off the sands to go on the green and put some rbbishes in the bin.

I jumped over the frosty bench. I like jumping

This purrity flower be here.

Back to the sands again.

Come ON

I did swimmings.

I's going to get this stick

Got it.

I had a good walkie this morning