Monday 3 June 2019

We had another good walkie today, but She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed got a bit carried away wiv the photie box, so there be a lot of piccies.

We went thru this field of sheep, they be looking at us.

They had a haircut, did they go to the Baabours?

those black ones have white faces, never seed sheep like that before.

Then I had fun in the field where they had already cut the silage.

I founded some logs to climb on,

before we left the field

and wet past a pond.

I put the walking string on in case She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed fell in the waters.

Look, something else to climb on. I's the King of the Castle.

look at those clouds over the wheat field.

We played the stone game.

Who lives in here Mum?

This gate not be opening very wide, good jobs we go for lots of walkies otherwise if we sat on the sofa all day watching TVs we wouldn't get froo it. I only just made it and She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed had to take the adventure bag off her back.

She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed said we were following the Poetry Trail. There be all these writings hanging about.

Some of them be full of Welshness and we couldn't understand them.

We's got the walking string on cos the trees be so thick we can't see if there be any sheeps or cows in here. I's on the lookout.

We stopped and had our noms amongst the poetries. It be peaceful here.

The sky started to cry after I finished my chicken, but She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed got soggy sosage rolls.

Don't cry sky, the poetries aren't that sad.

Come on, it be time to carry on the sky has stopped crying now.

Look, I think Mrs. Badger lives here.

A poor rotted tree.

The trees be falling over here.

More badger homes.

It be a good job we had the walking string on, there be sheeps over there.

I can see you sheeps.

But I's only going to watch you, don't be scared.

Somebody trashed this poetry

And this one. That be BAD.
 Why would someone do that?

That be the end of the poetries so we went home the same way we came cos it be more fun that way than on the road.

1 comment:

  1. Nice adventure there my furry mate! Go very green:) Play bows,

